Join a community of leaders who get things done
Student chapters make an impact.
We encourage projects led by undergraduate and graduate students.
Student chapters
Each student chapter is committed to workplace health and working on how to help their communities. In addition to events on campus, students receive guidance and sponsorships from the WHWB-US professional community.
Student chapters abide by the bylaws of WHWB-US. This includes paying annual dues of $10 and meeting once every quarter. See link below to join or create a student chapter. Members in a student chapter receive full member benefits including becoming a liaison and submitting project proposals directly on the WHWB-US website at Propose a Project.
University of Michigan Ann-Arbor
Home of WHWB-US headquarters, University of Michigan also holds our first student chapter. With 3 completed projects under its belt, UM is the leader in student led initiatives that are transforming the way we understand collaboration and outreach between academic institutions and workplace health and safety.
The George Washington University
WHWB-US is thrilled to announce that a new student chapter has been formed in Washington DC – a warm welcome to our newest student members from George Washington University and Georgetown University! This effort was spearheaded by Dr. David Goldsmith and Gayle Goff, with Dr. Goldsmith acting as the faculty sponsor.
Join or create a student chapter
Fill out this form and a student member will email and text you more info on how to get started. Welcome!
Read the requirements on how to start a student chapter and fill out the form below. We will guide you with steps to create a student chapter and support you throughout the process.