Most impactful ways to get involved
Propose a project
Have communities in mind that need training, resources, or expertise? Propose a project to receive funding assistance.
Join a student chapter
If you’d like to be part of a collegiate student-led organization dedicated to workplace health and safety, join or create a student chapter at your university.
Become a member
Join a committed group of workplace health professionals who counsel, help organize events, create and lead projects, and kickstart new student chapters across the country.
Join Us for an Event
In addition to our quarterly WHWB-US member meeting, register for free webinars, conferences and meetings hosted by our student chapters, professional members, and partner organizations including WHWB International.
Donate to fund projects
Our projects need funding in order to have a continued impact. Every little bit helps, and even small donations or donations sponsored by your company go a long way in low- and middle-income countries. We are a registered 501(c)(3), so all of your donations are tax deductible.
Not sure how to help?
It’s a big job, but every little bit matters. Contact us to learn more about how you can help.