Become Involved
Join a committed group of professionals dedicated to empowering fellow students and professionals to help communities in need
How It Works
1) Members Onboard
We are industrial hygienists, occupational health researchers, professors, engineers, medical doctors, occupation health professionals, and other concerned individuals dedicated to the well-being of underserved workers around the world.
To get started as a member register as a WHWB-US member. A $40 annual dues is recommended.
Did you know? One of the most impactful, low-effort contributions you can make is to attend quarterly meetings and answer questions from student members.
2) Share expertise
Contributing as a member is as easy as showing up. Whether you are a scientist, academic, in business or all of the above, your expertise and insight is welcome.
Members collaborate with one another to organize events, create and fund projects, and kickstart new student chapters across the country. Students often reach out to members for help thinking through ideas and implementation.
Did you know? Experienced undergraduate and graduate students can also be involved in projects and participate in meetings.
3) Propose or Sponsor a project
Consider proposing a project if you are aware of an occupational health problem where we may be able to help. Anyone can propose a project to the Board of Directors, but all projects must be sponsored by a current member.
Sponsors guide proposed projects on how to best approach the problem, analyze the situation and implement solutions.
Did you know? Members colaberate with the board at WHWB-US to support other members in the organization, explore best practices on sponsoring a project and ways to get involved.
MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Dr. David Goldsmith
Dr. Goldsmith is the WHWB-US President and member who helped kickstart the student chapter in GWU. In 2020, Dr. Goldsmith contributed to the #CinemaSafe initiative to keep moviegoers safe during the COVID19 pandemic.
“It’s been rewarding to utilize the skills I’ve learned over my career to help student members realize their dreams and help others in need.”
- Dr. David Goldsmith, WHWB-US President & Liaison
Contact us.
WHWB-US is headquartered in Michigan with members living and volunteering across the country.